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We understand the fundamental importance of operating any business in a financially, environmentally, and ethically sustainable fashion.

We actively encourage, train and mentor our young people towards becoming confident, competent, and valued contributors to our team. We have a structure of recognition and reward. We enjoy a stable and happy workforce. Staff turnover is almost non-existent.

All land disturbing activities we undertake are subject to rigorous assessment and control implementation as we always strive to minimise or eliminate any water or airborne discharges to the surrounding catchment watercourses and environment. We usually and expect to achieve exemplary results when assessed by Local Authority compliance monitoring personnel on a regular basis. Environmental management best practice is indoctrinated in all our staff.

We are very aware of global climate change and environmental pollution issues and choose to do whatever we can to contribute to industry improvement. We constantly strive for operation efficiencies to minimise fuel burn and reduce emissions. We apply the right plant for the job in hand, with all our equipment subject to a stringent maintenance regime. We recycle and reuse construction materials wherever possible and align with product and service suppliers with similar philosophy.

Operating sustainably is a business fundamental.
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